What's Curling's Best Playoff Format?

After some time away from the mic, we're back to kick off our summer season of episodes! This week, we answer an interesting listener question: what is the best playoff format? Scott has gone through the numbers to see whether certain formats offer an unfair advantage and we also chat about the various formats that have been used and how we feel about them from a fan perspective. 

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Who Gets on Teevee?

This week, Sean and Scott look at the data from the past four years to determine how teams get on TSN? Does winning matter? How important is name recognition? Do certain provinces gets hosed? The guys break it all down.

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Curling on TV: Players, Personalities, & Perceptions with Kirk Muyres

In this episode, Sean and Scott are joined by Kirk Muyres, second for Team Dunstone, to talk about how television coverage can influence fans' perceptions of players. Kirk talks about learning to play with cameras and fans, how teams are interacting with fans in an age of social media, and how TV games can shape that engagement. He also offers some insight into how players think of TV games, the differences between players' real-world and in-game personas, and how fans can distinguish between the two.

If you would like to watch our chat, the video is available on our Facebook page.

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Have a Heart: A Look Back at the Corner Gas Curling Episode

In this episode, Sean and Scott break down 'Have a Heart,' Season 2 Episode 11 of Corner Gas. In the episode, the guys go scene by scene analyzing the story, talking about some of their favourite jokes, and the curling continuity. 

Official Team of the Pod Pick

Last year you listened and waited with baited breath to see which team would emerge from a simulated Survivor season to become the Official Team of the Game of Stone podcast. This year we decided to do something a little different ... but still fun! Let us know who your team of the year will be!